Pattonsburg Multi-Purpose Center

April 11, 2024

The menu for the Pattonsburg Multi-Purpose Center for the week of April 5-19:

Monday–tenderloin, fries, buttered carrots, pears

Tuesday–salmon patties, potato salad, peas and carrots, mandarin oranges

Wednesday—meat-lover’s pizza (sausage & ham), green beans, lettuce salad, mixed fruit in jello

Thursday – pulled pork on bun, baked beans, coleslaw, peaches

Friday – fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, three-bean salad, pineapple

All meals include whole-grain bread and milk.

Hours: Monday through Friday, 11:00-12:30.

Cost: Under 60 or to-go meal, $8.00 each. Over 60, suggested donation is $5.00 each.